That's right.

Yes, we have assembled a Dream Team of Xpert  eXaminers with Xtensive and eclectic backgrounds coupled with decades of Xperience who provide Xhilarating Xperiences. Learn more about how our Xpertise can help you meet your goals.

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I thoroughly enjoy teaching instructors how to instruct skydiving. With my extensive military training background and years of instructional experience in both skydiving and the military, I have the experience needed to prepare candidates for success, regardless of the discipline they choose.


Michael Wadkins XO, founder Xcelskydiving

Behind every successful man is a good woman telling him what to do.


Mercedes WadkinseXecutive, author

I like to think of myself as being a student of learning and one who loves to share doctrine and techniques with others.


Noah WattseXaminer, Golden Knight

I started skydiving right after high school and immediately I was hooked.


Kazu OyamaeXaminer, master rigger

I never thought at that time that I would pursue a lifetime career in skydiving, but as life would have it I made my first civilian jump in 2002 and fell in love with skydiving all over again. I have always loved teaching.


Ron Bell eXaminer, retired Military

I take great pride in challenging myself, as well as everyone around me, to strive for improvement on every jump.


Justice PerkinseXaminer, business owner

My passion for our mentor program has inspired me to teach skydivers how to be great instructors.


Brandon RadcliffeXaminer, business owner

There is no teaching without learning. It's important to keep learning, engage in continuing ed. Who has taught me the most about skydiving and teaching? My students.


Jen Sharp, Ph.D.eXaminer, plate spinner

My passion for skydiving started when my first airplane ride was my first jump.


Ray LalloeXaminer, airline pilot