Are you earning an instructional rating this year!?

For the third year in a row, Xcelskydiving is offering scholarships—and in 2025 we have a record 15 scholarships we're awarding! Check it out!

Download Scholarship Form

Coach Certification Course$375

  • Course is typically 3 days
  • Additionally, Candidate pays for slots and share of travel/lodging
  • Rating fees paid directly to USPA upon rating completion

Examiner Rating Course$550

  • Course is a full 3 days of classroom, no jumps
  • Additionally, Candidate pays share of travel/lodging
  • Rating fees paid directly to USPA upon rating completion

Basic Canopy Course $200

  • Course is typically 2 days
  • Additionally, Candidate pays for slots and share of travel/lodging
  • Covers all requirements for the USPA B License Canopy Proficiency Card
  • Rating fees paid directly to USPA upon rating completion
  • Minimum 4 candidates. However, fewer candidates are considered a private course, call for details.

Static Line / IAD Instructor Course $450

  • Course is typically 3 days
  • Additionally, Candidate pays for slots and share of travel/lodging
  • Rating fees paid directly to USPA upon rating completion
  • Combined SL/IAD Course: $600 (4 days)

Team Culture & Leadership
Safety & Educational Seminars $200+

  • Unlimited Number of Participants
  • Priced per day, additional days available
  • Additionally pay travel & lodging
  • If done in conjunction with an existing course, it's only $100 per day
  • Topics and timeframe tailored to your needs!

AFF Instructor Rating
Course with Pre-Course$800

  • Course is typically 7 - 9 days
  • Additionally, Candidate pays for slots and share of travel/lodging
  • Rating fees paid directly to USPA upon rating completion
  • Minimum 4 candidates. However, fewer candidates are considered a private course, available for $1950.

If you take the AFF Course through and you need to retake AFF Course for a failure or an incomplete - you may do so free of charge (except slots) within 6 months. However, if you want to take the pre-course again, you will still be responsible for those fees. After the 12-month time frame the AFF Course is at the above listed prices

USPA PRO Rating Course $500

  • Course is minimum 4 days
  • Additionally, Candidate pays for slots and share of travel/lodging
  • Covers all requirements for USPA PRO Rating Proficiency Card
  • Rating fees paid directly to USPA upon rating completion
  • Minimum 4 candidates

Tandem Instructor Course$700

  • Course is typically 4 days
  • UPT Sigma, Strong, Firebird (disc) as well as USPA Certification
  • Additionally, Candidate pays for 20 slots minimum (10 jumps) and share of travel/lodging
  • Rating fees paid directly to USPA upon rating completion
  • May have to pay dropzone for gear rental as well; ask your DZ for prices
  • Candidate is responsible for Manufacturer rating fees
  • Minimum 3 candidates. However, fewer candidates are considered a private course, available for $1500.
  • Crossover Ratings  $350 per candidate, 4 slots (2 jumps) minimum plus share of travel/lodging

RW Camps$150

  • Camp is typically 15 jumps over 3 days, fee is per day.
  • Candidate is responsible for their own slots and share of travel/lodging.

Pre-Course Mentoring $100+

  • Fee is $100 for a half day or $175 full day, flexible time frame and multiple days available based on your needs.
  • Candidate is responsible for all slots and share of travel/lodging.
  • We can cater to any of your needs towards any rating course.
  • Help determine your readiness and improve weaknesses

cancellation policy

If you cancel with ample notice, you may apply your deposit towards a different course or receive a refund minus transaction fees. In order to be fair to other candidates in your course, if you cancel within 24 hours of the start date of the course, you will pay your portion of the travel and lodging fees plus your $100.00 deposit.


Discounts Offered for the Following:

  1. New Drop Zone
    If we've never been to your place before, call for details.
  2. Return Customers
    (10-15% depending on the course)
  3. Military

No charge for retakes!
within 6 months

cost of travel

Travel expenses for all courses are as follows:

  • Transportation: (plane tickets & rental cars) will be covered by candidates. We will always choose the cheaper route for the candidates, e.g. if driving a car is cheaper we will take it.
  • If we are driving our own cars to your location, gas will be reimbursed.
  • If we fly to your DZ and the DZO or a candidate provides a car, there will be no expenses charged to candidates. 
  • The last option is a rental car from the airport, and the cost will be shared by the candidates or DZO.
  • Lodging: Hotels if necessary will be reimbursed and the costs shared by the candidates or the DZO may cover the cost.
  • We do not mind staying in someone's house or other suitable lodging if it saves the candidates money! They must be reasonable accommodations. We will do our very best to save you, your team and your DZO Money... As a result, we will work with the DZOs or candidates for affordable or cheaper alternatives (like staying at someone's house etc. - However our professional eXaminers cannot be lodged in HANGARS or BEATEN DOWN HOLE IN THE WALL TRAILERS!  If you would like to discuss these arrangements, please feel free to contact us.
  • Per Diem: We never charge a per diem. We figure, we have to eat anyway, so we pay for our own meals. (But if you happen to want to feed us, we will accept the offer!)